Top 5 Reasons Your Air Conditioner is Constantly Running

Do you find yourself constantly running your air conditioner, no matter the season? If so, you may be wondering why it’s always on. There are a few potential causes for this phenomenon, and understanding them can help you save energy and money in the long run. In this article, we’ll explore the top five reasons your air conditioner is constantly running.
1. Clogged Drainage System
If you notice a puddle near your AC unit, it could be due to a clogged drainage system. If your drainage system is blocked, the pressure can build up and cause the unit to run constantly. Hiring a professional service for AC repair in Atlanta can help you to identify and fix the issue with your drainage system, allowing your air conditioner to run properly. They can also check for other areas that may need repair and prevent costly AC problems down the road.
2. Poorly Sealed Doors and Windows
One of the most common reasons your air conditioner is running constantly is due to poorly sealed doors and windows. A drafty door or window will cause cool air to escape, forcing your air conditioning unit to kick into overdrive, trying to keep the temperature inside comfortable. To ensure that this isn’t happening in your home, check all of your doors and windows for any air leaks and seal them if possible.
3. Not Cleaning or Replacing the Air Filter Often Enough
Your air conditioner relies on having a clean filter in order to run efficiently. A dirty filter can cause your AC unit to work harder than necessary, resulting in an increase in energy usage and the constant running of your air conditioner. Change or clean your filter regularly to help ensure that this isn’t the issue. By understanding what goes on during AC maintenance, you will be able to understand the elements that are involved when it comes time to the upkeep of your system. Plus, you will know what additional services need to be completed in order to keep your unit running smoothly and efficiently.
4. Too Small of an AC Unit
If your air conditioner is too small for the space it’s cooling, it won’t be able to keep up with the demand. This can cause it to run constantly in order to maintain a comfortable temperature. If you have an AC unit that’s too small, consider upgrading to one that will be able to handle your cooling needs.
5. Dirty Coils and Fan Blades
If your AC’s coils and fan blades are dirty, they won’t be able to function properly. This can lead to the unit constantly running in order to compensate for the decrease in efficiency. Clean the coils and fan blades regularly to ensure that this isn’t the cause of your air conditioner running constantly. You could also check for any other signs that a maintenance tune-up is needed!
To Sum Up
If your air conditioner is constantly running, it could be due to a number of issues, such as poorly sealed doors and windows, a dirty air filter, a clogged drainage system, too small of an AC unit, or dirty coils and fan blades. So, if you’re having this issue in your home, consider addressing any of these issues to help get your AC unit running efficiently again. With the right AC repair in Atlanta, you can get your unit back on track in no time.