Your deck is a valuable investment in your home, but it is one of the parts exposed to significant damage due to weather extremities, including heavy rains and the scorching sun. Therefore, you should do everything possible to take care of your investment. Water is the number one enemy to most natural materials, including wood and concrete, so it is best to waterproof your deck if you haven’t done so.
Many homeowners ignore the importance of deck waterproofing until it is too late. For instance, you enjoy your wood decking in the summer months, then forget to waterproof it. The fall and winter seasons kick in, causing severe damages to your deck, only for you to discover some unpleasant problems by the time the next summer kicks in. Failure to waterproof your deck could ultimately lead to a new deck rebuilding or restoration, which can be costly.
Top reasons for deck waterproofing
Get rid of moisture issues.
Even the toughest decking material eventually wears out due to exposure to water. Remember that your deck is constantly exposed to rain, fog, morning dew, and occasional rainstorms. Over time the water takes a toll on the decking, and it starts to deteriorate. Waterproofing your deck means that moisture cannot penetrate the wood, so you don’t have to worry about moisture problems in the future.
Avoid rot problems
Wood decking is prone to rotting if you do not waterproof it. One of the common problems is dry rot, a fungus that consumes the part of the wood that makes it strong. If your wood decking suffers from dry rot, it is not only unsightly but is also structurally damaged and needs restoration. Thankfully, deck waterproofing keeps the fungus from penetrating the wood, maintaining the structure’s architectural integrity.
Extend the lifespan of your decking
Waterproofing your deck guarantees that it will serve you for many years to come. Remember that decking is an expensive investment that can be costly to rebuild. Waterproofing keeps moisture problems and dry rot away to ensure it remains in its peak condition. Generally, it protects your decking from harsh weather elements extending its life span.
How often should you waterproof your deck?
You should have your deck waterproofed by a professional at least once per year to maintain its good condition. If you are in a location with extreme weather seasons, such as direct sunlight all around the year, you should reseal your deck more often to prevent it from discoloration.
One of the ways to determine if your deck needs waterproofing is to have a professional examine it. You can also check by pouring some water drops on the deck. If the water soaks in, your deck needs a new waterproof sealant. If the water beads up, the decking is still protected from moisture. Also, if you notice cracking or peeling of the wood decking, it’s time to reseal it. Deck collapse is likely if you ignore these signs.
The bottom line
Deck waterproofing protects your deck from the harsh weather elements, keeps it looking good, and extends its lifespan.